Right to Work Verification

Verify employment eligibility and status quickly and easily.
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Safer Hiring with Right to Work Checks

With every company in Australia legally required to carry out Right to Work checks or risk significant fines, getting this crucial step in the recruitment and onboarding process right is essential. It's all too easy for someone to obtain forged visa and identity documents, enabling them to present a false identity when applying for work. With 1 in 5 individuals experiencing identity crime in the past 12 months, this is becoming a growing concern for HR teams and hiring managers.

What is a Right to Work Verification?

Under the Migration Act 1958 and the Migration Regulations 1994 Australian employers are required to ensure that their employees have a legal Right to Work in Australia. Our Right to Work checks confirm a candidate’s visa and passport status with the relevant immigration authorities. By assessing this status, we will confirm whether the candidate is entitled to work in Australia and provide details of any limitations associated with their visa.

Why are Right To Work Checks Important?

All employers are expected to conduct Right to Work checks to ensure their employees have the correct permissions and are legally eligible to work in Australia. Allowing an unlawful non-citizen who is in breach of their visa conditions to work for you may result in imprisonment or fines depending on the severity of the breach. These penalties may also apply to companies who refer someone such as recruitment agencies. Conducting Right to Work checks helps you:

  • Mitigate risk: Reduce liability and risk by confirming that all your employees are eligible to work for your business.
  • Reduce costs: Screening prospective employees early in the recruitment process will save you time and money by knowing from the outset whether the candidate is eligible for the role.
  • Protect your business: Help protect your business from potential fines and possible imprisonment by ensuring employees are legally allowed to work for you.
  • Strengthen workforce: Candidates and employees who are not upfront about their visa and working entitlements may lack integrity in their working behaviour.

Don’t Risk Getting Australian Right to Work Checks "Wrong”

years imprisonment
minimum fine for individuals
minimum fine per worker for corporations

Don’t Risk Getting Australian Right to Work Checks "Wrong”

years imprisonment
minimum fine for individuals
minimum fine per worker for corporations

Working Together to Create a Safer Global Workforce

Demonstrate your commitment to creating a safe workplace with fast, compliant Right to Work checks at the core of your screening program. It’s especially important if your business has multiple locations or offices worldwide. With an increasing number of job applicants from around the world and more companies needing to looking overseas to secure the best talent, you need to know that it is safe to employ candidates in your business. Help your business to hire safely by conducting the necessary Right to Work checks and promote a safer global workforce.

Designed to
Meet Your Needs

Regardless of your industry or the size of your organisation, a Right to Work check is essential. Whether you only need support with Right to Work checks or are interested in a wider range of checks, Sterling can provide this as a stand-alone service, or as part of a wider background screening program.
Connect with us today to discuss how Sterling’s Right to Work check will help you keep track of your most important resource: people.
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